Location: Road SMA to Dr Mora
This 4000 M2 property is not like so many other lots for sale in the Countryside. Not only because it has beautiful panoramic views of the valley and mountains, but because the owner has done a fabulous job getting things ready for the new owner. The community well water line has already been run to the property with a legal easement so there will be no issues with the line in the future. The same has been done with the electrical service with the wires underground and with a legal easement as well. The land is accessible by a private road off the dead-end main road, which is also done with a legal easement. So, you can see this is a very safe and special opportunity for someone to build their dream home and live happily ever after.
Ubicación: Road SMA to Dr Mora
Esta propiedad de 4000 M2 no es como tantos otros lotes campestres a la venta. Y no solo por sus hermosas vistas panorámicas hacia el valle y las montañas; sino porque el propietario ha hecho un gran trabajo consiguiendo las faciliddaes para el nuevo propietario. La línea de agua del pozo comunitario ya se ha instalado en la propiedad con servidumbre legal de acuerdo a la legislacion, por lo que no habrá problemas con la línea en el futuro. Lo mismo se ha hecho con el servicio eléctrico con el cableado subterráneo, asi como la servidumbre legal.

Road SMA to Dr Mora

Javier Barras
RE/MAX Colonial - Real Estate in San Miguel de Allende
Javier was born in Mexico City but moved to New York at a young age. After attaining his degree from Colgate University, he entered the construction industry as a partner in a building supplies company. Educating himself about quality construction..