With Realty you can charge a “subscriber” for publishing their properties on your site, rather than giving this option for free.
Users with a role of “admin” or “agent” are considered in-house and there for always submit properties for free. To charge a third party make sure their user role is set to “subscriber”.
Charge subscribers per-listing or for any of your membership packages (see below for more details). You can also choose beween one-time and recurring subscriptions.
Supported payment methods are PayPal and Stripe. Payment settings are located under “Appearance > Theme Options > Property Submit”.
Pay Per Listing
The most basic way to charge subscribers is on a per-property basis. Set any amount and choose between one-time or recurring payments. To mark a property as “Featured” you can charge additionally.
When submitting a property the user is informed upfront via a notification about the payment terms. After submitting a property, payment methods are provided.
The screenshot on the left shopws how an unpaid listings looks like, when a user visits his/her “My Properties” page.
Membership Packages
Create unlimited membership packages to charge subscribers for publishing a certain number of regular and featured properties on your site. Either one-time or with a recurring subscription. Subscription periods are freely customizable.
On the right you can see two example packages we have created for this demo. If you login as “demo” user and try to publish a property you will see the remaining quota for the purchased packaged yourself.
A click on the “Subscribe” button leads you to the package detail page, where you can read more about the package and proceed to make a payment.
Please first enable memberships under "Appearance > Theme Options > Property Submit" and create membership packages.